Did you know that the space program is busy
proving that what has been called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr.
Harold Hill, president of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, MD,
and a consultant in the space program related the following development:
IBM head of operations said 'What's wrong?' 'Well, we have found
that there is a day missing in space in elapsed time.' They
scratched their heads and tore their hair. There was no answer.
"One religious fellow in the team said, 'You know, one
time I was in Sunday School and they talked about the sun standing
still.' They didn't believe him, but they didn't have any other
answer so they said 'Show us'. So he got a Bible and went back to
the book of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement
for anybody who has 'common sense.' There they found the Lord
saying to Joshua, 'Fear them not; I have delivered them into your
hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.' Joshua was
concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy and, if darkness
fell, they would overpower him. So Joshua asked the Lord to make
the sun stand still! That's right! 'The sun stood still and the
moon stayed ... and hasted not to go down a whole day!' Well, they
checked the computers, going back into the time it was written and
found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was
missing back in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes -- not a
whole day. They read the Bible and there it said 'about
(approximately) a day.'
"These little words in the Bible are important. But they
were still in trouble because, if you cannot account for 40
minutes, you'll be in big trouble 1000 years from now. Forty
minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times
over in orbits. Well, this religious fellow also remembered
somewhere in the Bible it said the sun went backwards. The
spacemen told him he was out of his mind. But they got out the
Book and they read these words in 2 Kings 20: Hezekiah, on his
death-bed, was visited by the prophet Isaiah, who told him that he
was going to die. Hezekiah did not believe him and asked for a
sign as proof. Isaiah said, 'Do you want the sun to go ahead ten
degrees?' Hezekiah said 'It is nothing for the sun to go ahead ten
degrees, but let the shadow return backwards ten degrees.' Isaiah
spoke to the Lord and the Lord brought the shadow ten degrees
backward! Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes! 23 hours and 20
minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in 2 Kings make the missing day
in the universe."
Isn't that amazing! Our God is rubbing their noses in his
TRUTH. That's right. full statement link below
How beautiful you are, my darling! You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume more than any spice! You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain! She awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread everywhere.
Monday, 12 May 2014
The Day You Will...
#Love has commitment that the Flesh can not #understand, #touch, #see, or #feel.
This is why, The #Bible says "It will be done, not by your #Power or your #Intelligence, but by The #PowerOfTheHolySpirit.
Yeshua says this "Come to me, all you who are #weary and #burdened (All of you who have Freedom), and I will give you rest (I will Free you of Doms).
The day you will understand the #HolyScripture, the day you will unlock #knowledge.
The day you will apply the #WordOfWisdom, the day you will apply #knowledge
The day you will apply knowledge, the day you will unlock #discernment.
The day you will apply discernement, the day you will have the ability to detect Good from Evil Spirit.
The day you will detect Good from bad, the day you will have the choice to separate.
Genesis 1:4 "And God saw the light was good, and God divided the light from Darkness".
Glory to the #HolySpirit
Breaking Out!!! Part II
is it normal to be part of the #Universe, but not being able to get there at our #Will?
The Information I received was very clear: "We were created to have dominion over the Earth and extend our knowledge to develop other planets".
Scientifically speaking, our environment suddenly changed its structure because of our lack of acceptance of the #Reality.
Our belief of the unreal is the reason of this sudden change.
#Transgression is the foundation of #Materialisation.
Changing the structure of our environment, has been a key impact on our physical evolution, but I prefer to use the word #PhysicalPerception.
Slowly, but gradually on a reverse scale, the mind lost the perception of reality to the #Unreal.
the original nature was rejected along with the #Mastermind #Universe #Project.
As we love simplicity, only the whispering of Pride were sufficient to change the Master's #Plan...
Now that we know the root of materialisation, why not doing the reverse and abide to the process of #Dematerialization by Holiness?
Proverbs of Solomon <3
"My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you
So that you incline you ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding
If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures;
Then you will understand the Fear of the Lord, and Find the knowledge of God".
The Real Deal!!! Part 1
The #Bible talks about real stories, to edify the spirit of Man.
The stories are recorded as testimonies; and applying them will enable #Mankind to reach a level of Holiness and restore the connection with the Creator.
The #Natural is the actual #StateOfMind which is rejected by the Supernatural because of its acceptance of dark illusions that comes with limitations.
Holiness is the only #WayToBe in order to attain positive Spirituality which lies in the extreme, still limitless #StateOfTheSpirit.
The #Supernatural is "The original world of everlasting Light and is Boundless.
To attain this extreme and pure dimension, the Spirit must take over the flesh.
"Don't blame Jesus cause He has giving you a chance for a Choice, but
blame your flesh as it rejoices in your stance."
Elie'ts'er R.Delest <3
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Genèse 1 :27-28 « Il créa l’homme et la femme. Dieu les bénit, et Dieu leur dit: « Soyez féconds, multipliez, remplissez la terre, et l’assujettissez;
Le chiffre 1 représente l’unité de Dieu le Père, Le Fils Jésus et le Saint Esprit.
Ensemble, Genèse 1:26 «puis Dieu dit: faisons l’homme à notre image, selon notre ressemblance»;
L’image et la ressemblance de Dieu sont composées de manière suivante:
1. Dieu, le Père: Concept de l’obéissance; Ordre avec des détails absolument précis, Genèse 2 :16 « Dieu donna cet ordre à l’homme: tu ne mangeras pas de l’arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, car le jour où tu en mangeras, tu mourras ».
Son caractère est celui d’un père qui aime et châtie: Action=Réaction.
2. Dieu, le Fils: Concept de l’évangile; Etude avec des détails absolument précis, Matthieu 4:17, Marc 1:15, Luc 4:43, Jean 3:3 « Repentez vous car le royaume des cieux est proches ».
Son caractère est celui d’un fils qui aime et se livre: Action=Grâce.
3. Dieu, le Saint Esprit: Concept de vérité; Œuvre avec des détails absolument précis, Jean 16:13 «Quand le consolateur sera venu, l’Esprit de vérité, il vous conduira dans toute la vérité».
Son caractère est celui d’un esprit Saint, pure: Action=Vérité.
Pour résumer, Dieu à premièrement démontré à l’homme le concept de l’obéissance ; Dieu détruisit ainsi toutes chairs qui avaient été corrompus dans le déluge. De par ce geste miséricordieux, Dieu à rétablit le code du corps humain, sa création.
Le concept de l’évangile se traduit par l’aptitude à accueillir, accepter et apprendre. Finalement, la venue de Jésus sert de point de départ, pour reconnecter (réconciliation) de manière personnelle et directe, Dieu et les hommes.
Le Saint Esprit est la phase d’acceptation finale ; Car le Saint Esprit est la ressource qui stimule, rempli de plaisir, de sagesse et qui témoigne de Dieu.
Une ressource qui a toujours existée et qui se mouvait sur la terre depuis la création des temps, Genèse 1 :2 « il y avait des ténèbres sur la surface de l’abime, et l’esprit de Dieu se mouvait au-dessus des eaux ».
AMEN, parole du Dieu vivant ‘YHWH’, ‘JE SUIS CELUI QUI EST’
Elie'ts'er R.Delest
#URGENT!!! '#LightIsTheSoulOfTime'
This Morning Revelation
There is no gasp in time.
The transition between now and after will be at the speed of light.
“Light is the soul of time”.
Time is, as long as light remain.
Genesis 1:3 ‘then God said, “let there be light”; and there was light’.
Instantly light was and the difference that light brought to the Earth was good.
Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good.
God implemented light not to ‘shine’ into darkness but to separate/divide what was good from darkness, in an instant.
Genesis 1:4 “and God divided the light from the darkness”.
From these verses, time was implementing into the creation of Earth and starts to exist.
The #darkness #has #an #agenda, which is to influence as much as possible the enlightened, into nothingness.
However, time will cease to exist, when the light will completely be removed from the darkness, as there is no need for it in it.
We have not yet experienced full light, neither full darkness;
[All we know about darkness is resumed in, Genesis 1:2 “The Earth was without ‘Form, and Void’; and the darkness was on the face of the deep”.
Based on Genesis 1:2, we can simply imagine how darkness can be without light.]
The glimpses of light that we know so far are the creation of the Heavens and Earth, but we really don’t know anything about darkness, yet!
The #newborns by the Spirit of God will shift to full light;
They will belong to light and will live at the speed of light.
Before, when time was, the mind was working depending of it;
After, the difference is the mind will work at no time, but at the speed of light.
If you want to live in the ‘#Power of #Light’, you must start to live according to the light, while there is still time.
Separation / division of light from darkness draws to a close, do not be left behind, as there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 10:34-35 Jesus said:" “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
[But just as he who called you is Holy, so be holy in all you do;
Be holy, since Jesus is Holy, 1Peter 1:15-16]
“Live according to light, because Jesus is The Light.”
Elie’ts’er R. Delest
John 1:26 "John answered them, saying, “I baptize with water, but there stands One among you whom you do not know.
John 1:33-34 "I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”
The parable of the wedding at Cana in Galilee was the first of the miracles that Jesus did.
What is a parable?
According to several websites, the word comes from the Greek ' parable ' which means ' approximation , comparison. " The parable is a story that provide education in a colorful way aims .
The parable continues to offer this kind of unexpected lesson that stimulates the intellect and gives long to think .
The Story: John 2:1-10
1 Three days later, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee . Jesus' mother was there,
2 Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.
3 When the wine failed , the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
4 Jesus answered and said unto her, Woman , what was there between you and me ? My hour has not yet come.
5 His mother said to the servants, Whatever he tells you.
6 Now there were six stone water jars , the purifying of the Jews, each containing two or three measures .
7 Jesus said to them: Fill the jars with water. And they filled them to the brim.
8 Draw out now, he said, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they took it.
9 When the ruler of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from , though the servants who had drawn the water knew well , he called the bridegroom ,
10 and said to him: Every man at first serves good wine and worst after he got drunk ; thou hast kept the good wine until now .
Explanation, verse by verse:
Verse 1, the #Union: It's a wedding at Cana that involves two people, the groom and the bride (God and man).
The number two plays a symbolic role in this verse; Number 2 transmits the sense of union. A man and a woman, two in number, are made one in marriage (Genesis 2:23 - 24). The union is a very important process in the face of God.
Verse 2, the #unionOfGraceAndAuthority: Jesus is the Grace and the 12 disciples demonstrate his power, his authority. The critical element that allows a couple to function is the effect of grace, which is characterized spiritually. The physical element that validates this union is the authority, demonstrating grace.
We notice that the authority itself is under grace.
Our God is a God of grace and order, (Genesis 1:1-31).
Verse 3, #DivineGrace: The wine that brings joy, lack; human beings lack the essential element that revives the spirit, the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is the beginning of torment, because man thinks to manufacture substitute that indefinitely, would make him happy. While an intermediary (his mother) took the initiative to tell God what to do. Incredible!
Verse 4, the #PlanWithoutMary: Jesus made it clear to Mary that God is God. In a word, it would be wise not to meddle with what does not concern her, but mostly what she is not yet ready to understand, because the time had not yet come.
In general, our plan is not God's plan. Everyone has their idea, but God's plan is the best because he knows when to act to help his children. In this parable, Jesus excludes any authority concerning Mary.
Verse 5, #Jesus is #grace and #authority: Marie abides by the principles of Jesus, and said to the servants (people), do what he tells you.
This verse clearly states that, the grace and authority is only in Jesus and Mary has no authority or business knowledge of God.
Verse 6, the #ManAndRituals: this passage exposes us customs men of that era; six stone jars in a way, contained the formula of purification (grace).
Verse 7, #perfection: Jesus uses the vases and accurate filling of water to the brim.
This symbolizes purification, baptism by immersion (immersing the entire body in water), the transition from religion (customs) to the spirituality that Jesus planned and teaches us.
Verse 8, a new beginning: the result that follows from this immersion is a new beginning, because you are born again.
Verse 9, The #HolySpirit: In the previous verse we are born again through baptism by immersion. To complete the transformation, we then receive the Holy Spirit who is the special promise of Jesus (Jean1: 33, John 16:12-15).
The day of Pentecost in Acts ch. 2, the disciples were all together in the Holy Spirit;
In verse 13 it is written: "Some, however, made fun of them and said, these men are full of new wine.
Then Peter said unto them with these words: These people are not drunk, as this is the 3rd time of day, but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
In the last days says God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. "
Verse 10, the #completenessOfTheOrder: the master of the feast takes knowledge of the good wine at the end, which is none other than the Holy Spirit.
At the end, Jesus will only choose the people who are born again by the Holy Spirit, as their behaviour will be holy.
In the book of Mark ch.3:28 -29, it is clearly written that whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin”, because denying the Holy Spirit, it’s to deny Jesus also, who is the way, the truth and the life.
Jesus is not speaking of drinking alcohol in any case. The entire Bible tells us to remain holy and to be an example (Christians) for others. BUT HE IS TALKING ABOUT A WEDDING OF GOD and MAN, TO RESTORE THE COMMUNICATION.
Now, ignorant of the law you have no excuse
Elie'ts'er R.Delest
John 1:26 "John answered them, saying, “I baptize with water, but there stands One among you whom you do not know.
John 1:33-34 "I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”
The parable of the wedding at Cana in Galilee was the first of the miracles that Jesus did.
What is a parable?
According to several websites, the word comes from the Greek ' parable ' which means ' approximation , comparison. " The parable is a story that provide education in a colorful way aims .
The parable continues to offer this kind of unexpected lesson that stimulates the intellect and gives long to think .
The Story: John 2:1-10
1 Three days later, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee . Jesus' mother was there,
2 Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.
3 When the wine failed , the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
4 Jesus answered and said unto her, Woman , what was there between you and me ? My hour has not yet come.
5 His mother said to the servants, Whatever he tells you.
6 Now there were six stone water jars , the purifying of the Jews, each containing two or three measures .
7 Jesus said to them: Fill the jars with water. And they filled them to the brim.
8 Draw out now, he said, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they took it.
9 When the ruler of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from , though the servants who had drawn the water knew well , he called the bridegroom ,
10 and said to him: Every man at first serves good wine and worst after he got drunk ; thou hast kept the good wine until now .
Explanation, verse by verse:
Verse 1, the #Union: It's a wedding at Cana that involves two people, the groom and the bride (God and man).
The number two plays a symbolic role in this verse; Number 2 transmits the sense of union. A man and a woman, two in number, are made one in marriage (Genesis 2:23 - 24). The union is a very important process in the face of God.
Verse 2, the #unionOfGraceAndAuthority: Jesus is the Grace and the 12 disciples demonstrate his power, his authority. The critical element that allows a couple to function is the effect of grace, which is characterized spiritually. The physical element that validates this union is the authority, demonstrating grace.
We notice that the authority itself is under grace.
Our God is a God of grace and order, (Genesis 1:1-31).
Verse 3, #DivineGrace: The wine that brings joy, lack; human beings lack the essential element that revives the spirit, the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is the beginning of torment, because man thinks to manufacture substitute that indefinitely, would make him happy. While an intermediary (his mother) took the initiative to tell God what to do. Incredible!
Verse 4, the #PlanWithoutMary: Jesus made it clear to Mary that God is God. In a word, it would be wise not to meddle with what does not concern her, but mostly what she is not yet ready to understand, because the time had not yet come.
In general, our plan is not God's plan. Everyone has their idea, but God's plan is the best because he knows when to act to help his children. In this parable, Jesus excludes any authority concerning Mary.
Verse 5, #Jesus is #grace and #authority: Marie abides by the principles of Jesus, and said to the servants (people), do what he tells you.
This verse clearly states that, the grace and authority is only in Jesus and Mary has no authority or business knowledge of God.
Verse 6, the #ManAndRituals: this passage exposes us customs men of that era; six stone jars in a way, contained the formula of purification (grace).
Verse 7, #perfection: Jesus uses the vases and accurate filling of water to the brim.
This symbolizes purification, baptism by immersion (immersing the entire body in water), the transition from religion (customs) to the spirituality that Jesus planned and teaches us.
Verse 8, a new beginning: the result that follows from this immersion is a new beginning, because you are born again.
Verse 9, The #HolySpirit: In the previous verse we are born again through baptism by immersion. To complete the transformation, we then receive the Holy Spirit who is the special promise of Jesus (Jean1: 33, John 16:12-15).
The day of Pentecost in Acts ch. 2, the disciples were all together in the Holy Spirit;
In verse 13 it is written: "Some, however, made fun of them and said, these men are full of new wine.
Then Peter said unto them with these words: These people are not drunk, as this is the 3rd time of day, but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
In the last days says God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. "
Verse 10, the #completenessOfTheOrder: the master of the feast takes knowledge of the good wine at the end, which is none other than the Holy Spirit.
At the end, Jesus will only choose the people who are born again by the Holy Spirit, as their behaviour will be holy.
In the book of Mark ch.3:28 -29, it is clearly written that whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin”, because denying the Holy Spirit, it’s to deny Jesus also, who is the way, the truth and the life.
Jesus is not speaking of drinking alcohol in any case. The entire Bible tells us to remain holy and to be an example (Christians) for others. BUT HE IS TALKING ABOUT A WEDDING OF GOD and MAN, TO RESTORE THE COMMUNICATION.
Now, ignorant of the law you have no excuse
Elie'ts'er R.Delest
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
La parabole de l‘eau changée en vin et Le péché impardonnable Expliquée!!!
La parable des noces de Cana en Galilée, fut le premier des miracles que fit Jésus.
Qu’est ce qu’une parabole ?
Selon plusieurs sites internet, Le mot vient du grec ‘parabolè’ qui signifie «rapprochement, comparaison». La parabole est une histoire qui a pour objectif de dispenser un enseignement d'une manière imagée.
La parabole offre toujours ce genre de leçon inattendue qui stimule l'intelligence et donne longuement à penser.
L’histoire: Jean 2:1-10
1 Trois jours après, il y eut des noces à Cana en Galilée. La mère de Jésus était là,
2 et Jésus fut aussi invité aux noces avec ses disciples.
3 Le vin ayant manqué, la mère de Jésus lui dit : Ils n’ont plus de vin.
4 Jésus lui répondit : Femme, qu’y a-t-il entre moi et toi ? Mon heure n’est pas encore venue.
5 Sa mère dit aux serviteurs : Faites ce qu’il vous dira.
6 Or, il y avait là six vases de pierre, destinés aux purifications des Juifs, et contenant chacun deux ou trois mesures.
7 Jésus leur dit : Remplissez d’eau ces vases. Et ils les remplirent jusqu’au bord.
8 Puisez maintenant, leur dit-il, et portez-en à l’ordonnateur du repas. Et ils en portèrent.
9 Quand l’ordonnateur du repas eut goûté l’eau changée en vin, -ne sachant d’où venait ce vin, tandis que les serviteurs, qui avaient puisé l’eau, le savaient bien, -il appela l’époux,
10 et lui dit: Tout homme sert d’abord le bon vin, puis le moins bon après qu’on s’est enivré; toi, tu as gardé le bon vin jusqu’à présent.
Explication, verset par verset :
Verset 1, <l‘Union> : Il s’agit de noce à Cana qui implique 2 personnes, le marié et la mariée.
Le chiffre 2 joue un rôle symbolique dans ce verset; Le numéro 2 transmet le sens d'une union. Un homme et une femme, au nombre de deux, sont fait 1 dans le mariage (Genèse 2:23 - 24). L’union est un procédé très important à la face de Dieu.
Verset 2, <l‘union de la Grace et l’autorité’> : Jésus représente la Grace et les 12 disciples témoignent de son pouvoir, son autorité. L’élément essentiel qui permet a un couple de fonctionné est l’effet de grâce, qui est caractérisé de manière spirituelle. L’élément physique qui valide cette union est l’autorité qui témoigne de la grâce.
Nous remarquerons que l’autorité elle-même, est sous la grâce.
Notre Dieu, est un Dieu de grâce et d’ordre, (Genèse 1 :1-31).
Verset 3, <la grâce Divine> : Le vin qui apporte la joie manque ; l’être humain manque de l’élément essentiel qui ravive l’esprit, la ‘grâce’. Ceci est le début des tourments, parce que l’homme pense pouvoir fabriquer des produits qui indéfiniment rendraient heureux. Alors un intermédiaire (sa mère) prend l’initiative de dire à Dieu ce qu’il doit faire. Incroyable !!!
Verset 4, <le plan sans Marie>: Jésus fait comprendre à Marie, que Dieu est Dieu. En un mot, il serait sage de sa part de ne pas se mêler de ce qui ne la regarde pas, mais surtout de ce qu’elle ne comprend pas, car l’heure n’était pas encore arrivée de comprendre.
De manière générale, notre plan n’est pas le plan de Dieu. Chacun a son idée, mais le plan de Dieu est le meilleur parce qu’il sait quand agir pour aider ses enfants. Sous cette parabole, Jésus exclut toute autorité concernant Marie.
Verset 5 <Jésus est grâce et autorité>: Marie se soumet aux principes de Jésus, et dit aux serviteurs (le peuple), faites ce qu’il vous dira.
Ce verset nous stipule clairement que la grâce et l’autorité est en Jésus seul et que Marie n’a aucune autorité, ni connaissance des affaires de Dieu.
Verset 6, <l’homme et ses rituels>: ce passage nous expose les coutumes des hommes de cette époque ; les 6 vases d’une manière, contenaient la formule de la purification (la grâce).
Verset 7, <la perfection> : Jésus utilise les vases et précise de les remplis d’eau jusqu’au bord.
Ce geste symbolise la purification, le baptême par immersion (le fait de plonger la totalité d’un corps dans l’eau).
Verset 8, <un nouveau départ> : le résultat qui s’en suit de cette immersion est un nouveau départ, parce que l’on nait de nouveau.
Verset 9, <Le Saint-Esprit> : Au verset précédent nous naissons de nouveau grâce au baptême par immersion. Pour parfaire la transformation, nous recevons ensuite le Saint-Esprit qui est la touche spéciale de Jésus (Jean1 :33, Jean 16 :12-15).
Le jour de la pentecôte, dans le livre des Actes au ch. 2, les disciples furent remplis tous ensemble du Saint-Esprit ; Au verset 13 il est écrit: «Mais d’autres se moquaient, et disaient: Ils sont pleins de vin doux.
Alors Pierre se présentant leur parla en ces termes: Ces gens ne sont pas ivres, car c’est la 3eme heure du jour, mais c’est ici ce qui a été dit par le prophète Joël :
Dans les derniers jours dit Dieu, je répandrai de mon esprit sur toute chair ».
Verset 10, <l’exhaustivité de l’ordre> : l’ordonnateur du repas prend connaissance du vin de la fin, qui n’est autre que le Saint-Esprit.
Il témoignage du pouvoir de la création de Jésus et de la responsabilité des chrétiens à respecter l’esprit de Dieu.
Dans le livre de Marc ch.3 :28-29, il est écrit clairement que quiconque blasphémera contre le Saint-Esprit n’obtiendra jamais de pardon: Il sera sujet à une condamnation éternelle, parce que renier le Saint-Esprit, c’est renier l’enseignement de Jésus, qui est le chemin, la vérité et la vie.
Jésus ne parle pas de boire de l’alcool, en aucun cas. Toute la Bible nous parle de rester Saint et d’être un exemple (Chrétiens) pour les autres.
Nous savons tous ce que l’alcool peut faire à l’esprit ;
Maintenant, les ignorants de la loi vous n’avez plus d’excuse.
Elie’ts’er. R.Delest Jesus loves You
La parable des noces de Cana en Galilée, fut le premier des miracles que fit Jésus.
Qu’est ce qu’une parabole ?
Selon plusieurs sites internet, Le mot vient du grec ‘parabolè’ qui signifie «rapprochement, comparaison». La parabole est une histoire qui a pour objectif de dispenser un enseignement d'une manière imagée.
La parabole offre toujours ce genre de leçon inattendue qui stimule l'intelligence et donne longuement à penser.
L’histoire: Jean 2:1-10
1 Trois jours après, il y eut des noces à Cana en Galilée. La mère de Jésus était là,
2 et Jésus fut aussi invité aux noces avec ses disciples.
3 Le vin ayant manqué, la mère de Jésus lui dit : Ils n’ont plus de vin.
4 Jésus lui répondit : Femme, qu’y a-t-il entre moi et toi ? Mon heure n’est pas encore venue.
5 Sa mère dit aux serviteurs : Faites ce qu’il vous dira.
6 Or, il y avait là six vases de pierre, destinés aux purifications des Juifs, et contenant chacun deux ou trois mesures.
7 Jésus leur dit : Remplissez d’eau ces vases. Et ils les remplirent jusqu’au bord.
8 Puisez maintenant, leur dit-il, et portez-en à l’ordonnateur du repas. Et ils en portèrent.
9 Quand l’ordonnateur du repas eut goûté l’eau changée en vin, -ne sachant d’où venait ce vin, tandis que les serviteurs, qui avaient puisé l’eau, le savaient bien, -il appela l’époux,
10 et lui dit: Tout homme sert d’abord le bon vin, puis le moins bon après qu’on s’est enivré; toi, tu as gardé le bon vin jusqu’à présent.
Explication, verset par verset :
Verset 1, <l‘Union> : Il s’agit de noce à Cana qui implique 2 personnes, le marié et la mariée.
Le chiffre 2 joue un rôle symbolique dans ce verset; Le numéro 2 transmet le sens d'une union. Un homme et une femme, au nombre de deux, sont fait 1 dans le mariage (Genèse 2:23 - 24). L’union est un procédé très important à la face de Dieu.
Verset 2, <l‘union de la Grace et l’autorité’> : Jésus représente la Grace et les 12 disciples témoignent de son pouvoir, son autorité. L’élément essentiel qui permet a un couple de fonctionné est l’effet de grâce, qui est caractérisé de manière spirituelle. L’élément physique qui valide cette union est l’autorité qui témoigne de la grâce.
Nous remarquerons que l’autorité elle-même, est sous la grâce.
Notre Dieu, est un Dieu de grâce et d’ordre, (Genèse 1 :1-31).
Verset 3, <la grâce Divine> : Le vin qui apporte la joie manque ; l’être humain manque de l’élément essentiel qui ravive l’esprit, la ‘grâce’. Ceci est le début des tourments, parce que l’homme pense pouvoir fabriquer des produits qui indéfiniment rendraient heureux. Alors un intermédiaire (sa mère) prend l’initiative de dire à Dieu ce qu’il doit faire. Incroyable !!!
Verset 4, <le plan sans Marie>: Jésus fait comprendre à Marie, que Dieu est Dieu. En un mot, il serait sage de sa part de ne pas se mêler de ce qui ne la regarde pas, mais surtout de ce qu’elle ne comprend pas, car l’heure n’était pas encore arrivée de comprendre.
De manière générale, notre plan n’est pas le plan de Dieu. Chacun a son idée, mais le plan de Dieu est le meilleur parce qu’il sait quand agir pour aider ses enfants. Sous cette parabole, Jésus exclut toute autorité concernant Marie.
Verset 5 <Jésus est grâce et autorité>: Marie se soumet aux principes de Jésus, et dit aux serviteurs (le peuple), faites ce qu’il vous dira.
Ce verset nous stipule clairement que la grâce et l’autorité est en Jésus seul et que Marie n’a aucune autorité, ni connaissance des affaires de Dieu.
Verset 6, <l’homme et ses rituels>: ce passage nous expose les coutumes des hommes de cette époque ; les 6 vases d’une manière, contenaient la formule de la purification (la grâce).
Verset 7, <la perfection> : Jésus utilise les vases et précise de les remplis d’eau jusqu’au bord.
Ce geste symbolise la purification, le baptême par immersion (le fait de plonger la totalité d’un corps dans l’eau).
Verset 8, <un nouveau départ> : le résultat qui s’en suit de cette immersion est un nouveau départ, parce que l’on nait de nouveau.
Verset 9, <Le Saint-Esprit> : Au verset précédent nous naissons de nouveau grâce au baptême par immersion. Pour parfaire la transformation, nous recevons ensuite le Saint-Esprit qui est la touche spéciale de Jésus (Jean1 :33, Jean 16 :12-15).
Le jour de la pentecôte, dans le livre des Actes au ch. 2, les disciples furent remplis tous ensemble du Saint-Esprit ; Au verset 13 il est écrit: «Mais d’autres se moquaient, et disaient: Ils sont pleins de vin doux.
Alors Pierre se présentant leur parla en ces termes: Ces gens ne sont pas ivres, car c’est la 3eme heure du jour, mais c’est ici ce qui a été dit par le prophète Joël :
Dans les derniers jours dit Dieu, je répandrai de mon esprit sur toute chair ».
Verset 10, <l’exhaustivité de l’ordre> : l’ordonnateur du repas prend connaissance du vin de la fin, qui n’est autre que le Saint-Esprit.
Il témoignage du pouvoir de la création de Jésus et de la responsabilité des chrétiens à respecter l’esprit de Dieu.
Dans le livre de Marc ch.3 :28-29, il est écrit clairement que quiconque blasphémera contre le Saint-Esprit n’obtiendra jamais de pardon: Il sera sujet à une condamnation éternelle, parce que renier le Saint-Esprit, c’est renier l’enseignement de Jésus, qui est le chemin, la vérité et la vie.
Jésus ne parle pas de boire de l’alcool, en aucun cas. Toute la Bible nous parle de rester Saint et d’être un exemple (Chrétiens) pour les autres.
Nous savons tous ce que l’alcool peut faire à l’esprit ;
Maintenant, les ignorants de la loi vous n’avez plus d’excuse.
Elie’ts’er. R.Delest Jesus loves You
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Today, I say the time has come when many people begin to
realize that they have crossed the wrong path.
The hardest is not to find out, but to get out.
The problems do not stop increasing, in spite of the
solutions put in our way.
A problem creates another, even several;
"The solution is not to provide a solution to a problem, but
to have a solution that will solve any problem".
In a word, the solutions are rare and despite this, few are
those who turn their face to God.
God, let’s talk together about this eternal love for some
visible and invisible to others, which a present divides public opinion.
My rejection of God at some point in my life was due to the
religion in which I was born: Catholicism, which devotes little children to the
devil, through baptism.
First error, immersion definition: Made plunge a whole body
in a liquid.
The consecration of a child to God is required, but baptism
is an act of consciousness that must be achieved at an advanced age.
The individual must be able to understand that baptism is the
abandonment of Babylonian customs and practices which die in the water, and he
emerges cleansed of all backgrounds.
Then I was introduced to Christianity, I was about 6years
old, but it was already too late, Catholicism and the pagan practices had taken
To be honest with you, I found it difficult to follow Christianity,
as it is a very honest behavior.
So I followed my friends where there is no headaches, the
priest forgives sins as long as you confess them etc. in a word, I turned to
Catholicism to quickly find forgiveness or justify my actions.
"You must be really lost, spiritually and emotionally to
believe a priest (a mere human) can erase sins; it really demonstrates a lack
of biblical studies from the people".
And especially since I had already been baptized since the
age of 3 or 4 years, then in my mind, whatever I do I was saved.
This understanding continues to mislead and deceive more than
one billion of the world population.
“Please stop calling yourself Christians; it is a depravity
to the ministry and teachings of Jesus”. You partially read the Book, and none
of you have the Holy Spirit to understand beyond the words, therefore you guess,
interpret and manipulate.
It is written in Mark ch1:9-10 "Jesus came from Nazareth
of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And immediately, coming up
from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him
like a dove. "
In Matthew 23, Jesus openly denounced and cursed all those
men (scribes, Pharisees) who divert the word of God to their benefits, because
they mislead many people.
At verse 9 “Do not call anyone on Earth your father, for One is
your Father, He who is in heaven”...
In Revelation from ch2 or Apocalypse ch2, we can still see
that Jesus hates the works of the Nicolaitans *;
The Catholic Church in my experience is empty, boring, carnal,
religious, and full of doctrine and practices that do not glorify the name of
"The Holy Spirit has never taken this crossroads; well-organized
buildings to stifle and consolidate the poor people who are emotionally tired
and seeking rest".
When we are baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit, as the name
says "Holy". We are all asked to have a holy life, so live by the
spirit because the works of the flesh remained in the water.
Matthew ch5 from verse 17, Jesus declares openly that he did
not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfil.
Matthew 5: 18 "For I tell you the truth, until heaven
and earth pass away, it does not disappear from the law one iota or one tittle
until all is accomplished" therefore, whoever, in verse 19, "breaks
one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called
least (Zero, Uselessness) in the kingdom of heaven..."
Hence my question, why do you believe in the preaching of the
Catholic Church, which claims Christianity, while it violates the law, the
prophets and the teachings of Christ?
I have a very clear idea about the destination of all your
popes, are you ready to follow these men blindly?
Trust, faith and refuge should only remain in the light. The
light that Jesus brings in the darkness is the one that is on the top of the
mountain, accessible to everyone. But if the light you have is darkness, hidden
in Cathedrals, incomprehensible, ordered by men, how great is that darkness.
It is time to open your Bible.
As eyewitness, rare are the priests who read and explain a
passage from the Old Testament; to be honest never in my knowledge.
How to understand the New Testament, if we do not study the
How to explain the behaviour of a teenager without knowing
what happened to him during his childhood?
“For the former announces the Exceptional, the new refine the
Brothers and sisters, it is time to study the complete Bible.
The Catholic Church is not Christian. It is this, which is
the basis of the division of the Church (the body of Christ).
Christianity is pure and spiritual. God chose this figure to
explain His presence among us, and also to help us understand how to reach the
kingdom of heaven by our own will.
They tarnish Christianity and became rich because of the naivety
of the people, which is contrary to the teachings of Christ. The people have
been fooled because they put their trust in man.
We must live by the spirit and remain holy to lead by
example, and those who persevere will have eternal life as a free gift of God,
Romans 6: 23.
You have recognised and accepted Jesus, now follow the
procedure by the Book and active the Holy Spirit in your Life.
Elietser R.Delest <3 :) :*
Friday, 21 February 2014
Here we’re go, few chapters and verses of the Bible that prove, before their recent discoveries in our land, the giants mentioned in the Bible had existed.
I urge you to take a little of your time to read and learn the things that your spirits have always rejected.
While praying, I hope that the miracle, change will take place in your life.
Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days, after that the son of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them: these are the heroes who were famous in antiquity.”
Genesis 14:5 "And in the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him went up, and smote the Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim the Zuzim in Ham, the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim.
Numbers 13:32-33 "And they decried before the children of Israel the land they had explored. They said: The country we passed through to search it, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all those that we saw in it are men of great stature, and there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak of the race of giants, we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight.
Deuteronomy 2:10-11 "The Emites used to live there—a people strong and numerous, and as tall as the Anakites. Like the Anakites, they too were considered Rephaites, but the Moabites called them Emites”.
Deuteronomy 3:11 "For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants (Rephaim). Behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron, is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits, the cubit of a man *".
Joshua 11:21-22 " At that time Joshua went and destroyed the Anakites (giants) from the hill country: from Hebron, Debir and Anab, from all the hill country of Judah, and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua totally destroyed them and their towns. No Anakites were left in Israelite territory; only in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod did any survive, you know where to dig:).
King David against Goliath, Jischbi Benob, Saph, Goliath of Gath and others, all of the giants mentioned in the book of Samuel.
All these discoveries have they not been recorded in the book of life, the Bible?
Why do you still doubt?
Glory to the Holy of the Holies, the Lord who is worthy to receive all glory, honour and power.
For he created all things; and it is his will, that we are now revealed these things.
Today, scientists are they not collectively confused? Were not these the same who denied the existence of men Goliath?
"1 Corinthians: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."
Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?
* 1 cubit = 1.143 meter man; 9 cubits = 10,287 m long and 4 cubits = 4.572m.
Eliezer R.Delest <3 :) :*
God established genealogy in the Bible, not to headache with
a multitude of names, but to let us know that every name has a meaning and a
prophetic message hidden.
This means that in the genealogy of a family, there is a
divine message that was hidden.
The union of a woman and a man in the house of the LORD is
necessary to continue to receive God's message for his family.
The family then becomes essential and necessary to accomplish
the purposes of God.
This is why homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, fornication
and all things of this kind are prohibited in front of God.
Regarding divorce, it’s also forbidden, except in case of
infidelity. But this case is very special, individual and defined in Matthew 5:31-32
"It has been said, 'whoever divorces his wife must give her a certificate
of divorce.
But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for
marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulterous, and anyone who
marries the divorced woman commits adultery. "
The mathematical definition I give this passage is as
Grace represented by the number 5 (Matthew 5), which was
given to us to procreate (creativity is represented by (3+1) number 4) under
the marriage and to carry God’s work, was broken.
So if a couple divorce without infidelity being the reason, the
grace that surrounds them will disappear. Note that (3+1) + (3+2) = 9, which
represents the conception will no longer be required.
Note also that the sum of the digits of Matthew CH5:31-32 (5+3+1+3+2=1
+4=5) is 5. The conclusion of this passage, which engages only the understanding
that I perceive from the spirit, it’s that in the house of God there is only grace,
which is accompanied by good fruits such as forgiveness, the love, kindness,
patience etc.
I can go into further explanation of the figures, but another
time, God willing.
Your name is an assigned signature from your birth, sometimes
before, which will help designate you, but especially, it’s an essential
element in your genealogy.
It is important to note that any name is accompanied by a
meaning and a positive or negative effect.
Negative or positive, it is not all children who identified themselves
to their name.
In some cases, we say that God worked the miracle.
Voluntarily, the child who is accompanied by divine grace, decide to follow the
message accompanying his name. Ex: Jeremiah (fortified the Lord) 1:4-5
"The word of the LORD came unto me, saying:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you
came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet
unto the nations."
In Genesis ch5 vs. 3-32 in the Bible, we have 10 generations
of men from Adam to Noah. The meaning of their names, reveals an incredible
message and the sum of 5 +3 +3 +2 = 4, shows us once again, God's creativity in
an orderly and predefined manner.
2. Seth was the 3rd son of Adam and Eve: Saint, anointed
3. Enos or Enosh means: Fatal, mortal
4. Cainan means: Owner,
5. Mahalaleel means: God shines, blessed or leased
6. Jared means: A decision, commander coming down.
7. Enoch means: Dedicated, disciplined teacher
8. Methuselah means: his death brings
9. Lamech means: the desperate
10. Noah means: comfort, relaxation and comfort
The meaning of these names indicates the arrival of Jesus
Christ as a holy man, mortal, who is the possessor of the divine glory, coming
down to teach, discipline, and his death brings to the desperate, consolation,
Type Amen.
The son of Leah (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and
Zebulun), Rachel (Joseph and Benjamin):
We become children of God (born again), God begins to hear
our prayers. Then we reach the spiritual body to praise the Lord. God is our
judge and the reward that comes, is to live in us. God raises us after our
perseverance to his right.
Ask the Lord Jesus in your prayers to reveal you your name
and your purpose, Amen.
Eliezer R.Delest <3 :* :) GLORY TO GOD
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