Monday, 12 May 2014

Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill, president of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, MD, and a consultant in the space program related the following development: 

 The IBM head of operations said 'What's wrong?' 'Well, we have found that there is a day missing in space in elapsed time.' They scratched their heads and tore their hair. There was no answer.

"One religious fellow in the team said, 'You know, one time I was in Sunday School and they talked about the sun standing still.' They didn't believe him, but they didn't have any other answer so they said 'Show us'. So he got a Bible and went back to the book of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for anybody who has 'common sense.' There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, 'Fear them not; I have delivered them into your hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.' Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy and, if darkness fell, they would overpower him. So Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still! That's right! 'The sun stood still and the moon stayed ... and hasted not to go down a whole day!' Well, they checked the computers, going back into the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes -- not a whole day. They read the Bible and there it said 'about (approximately) a day.'
"These little words in the Bible are important. But they were still in trouble because, if you cannot account for 40 minutes, you'll be in big trouble 1000 years from now. Forty minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times over in orbits. Well, this religious fellow also remembered somewhere in the Bible it said the sun went backwards. The spacemen told him he was out of his mind. But they got out the Book and they read these words in 2 Kings 20: Hezekiah, on his death-bed, was visited by the prophet Isaiah, who told him that he was going to die. Hezekiah did not believe him and asked for a sign as proof. Isaiah said, 'Do you want the sun to go ahead ten degrees?' Hezekiah said 'It is nothing for the sun to go ahead ten degrees, but let the shadow return backwards ten degrees.' Isaiah spoke to the Lord and the Lord brought the shadow ten degrees backward! Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes! 23 hours and 20 minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in 2 Kings make the missing day in the universe."

Isn't that amazing! Our God is rubbing their noses in his TRUTH. That's right. full statement link below

The Day You Will...

#Love has commitment that the Flesh can not #understand, #touch, #see, or #feel.

This is why, The #Bible says "It will be done, not by your #Power or your #Intelligence, but by The #PowerOfTheHolySpirit.

Yeshua says this "Come to me, all you who are #weary and #burdened (All of you who have Freedom), and I will give you rest (I will Free you of Doms).

The day you will understand the #HolyScripture, the day you will unlock #knowledge.
The day you will apply the #WordOfWisdom, the day you will apply #knowledge
The day you will apply knowledge, the day you will unlock #discernment.
The day you will apply discernement, the day you will have the ability to detect Good from Evil Spirit.
The day you will detect Good from bad, the day you will have the choice to separate.

Genesis 1:4 "And God saw the light was good, and God divided the light from Darkness".

Glory to the #HolySpirit

Breaking Out!!! Part II

is it normal to be part of the #Universe, but not being able to get there at our #Will?

The Information I received was very clear: "We were created to have dominion over the Earth and extend our knowledge to develop other planets".

Scientifically speaking, our environment suddenly changed its structure because of our lack of acceptance of the #Reality.
Our belief of the unreal is the reason of this sudden change.
#Transgression is the foundation of #Materialisation.
Changing the structure of our environment, has been a key impact on our physical evolution, but I prefer to use the word #PhysicalPerception.
Slowly, but gradually on a reverse scale, the mind lost the perception of reality to the #Unreal.
the original nature was rejected along with the #Mastermind #Universe #Project.
As we love simplicity, only the whispering of Pride were sufficient to change the Master's #Plan...

Now that we know the root of materialisation, why not doing the reverse and abide to the process of #Dematerialization by Holiness?

Proverbs of Solomon <3
"My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you
So that you incline you ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding
If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures;
Then you will understand the Fear of the Lord, and Find the knowledge of God".

The Real Deal!!! Part 1

The #Bible talks about real stories, to edify the spirit of Man.
The stories are recorded as testimonies; and applying them will enable #Mankind to reach a level of Holiness and restore the connection with the Creator.

The #Natural is the actual #StateOfMind which is rejected by the Supernatural because of its acceptance of dark illusions that comes with limitations.

Holiness is the only #WayToBe in order to attain positive Spirituality which lies in the extreme, still limitless #StateOfTheSpirit.

The #Supernatural is "The original world of everlasting Light and is Boundless.
To attain this extreme and pure dimension, the Spirit must take over the flesh.

"Don't blame Jesus cause He has giving you a chance for a Choice, but
blame your flesh as it rejoices in your stance."

Elie'ts'er R.Delest <3